‘An excellent guide for new and existing Rotary Club members!’
June is Rotary Fellowships month! Rotary Fellowships are international groups that share a common passion. Being part of a fellowship is a fun way to make friends around the world, explore a hobby or profession, and enhance your Rotary experience.
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The Rotary Club of Cedar Creek Lake would like to thank all of our Sponsors, without them our Golf tournament would not have been a success. Our Title sponsor is Beacon Hill on Cedar Creek Lake, Benefactor Sponsors: Avery Realty, Coldwell Banker, Tri-County Ford, Greg and Donna Cooley, Carter Hallmark, Shackelford, Hawkins & Searcy, and First State Bank. Platinum Sponsor: Highlands Residential Mortgage. Silver Sponsor: E.A. Sanders, CPA. Nickle Sponsors: GrammyJax and Stan Fernald and Karen Fernald. Additional Sponsors: Kings Creek Country Club and Cedar Creek Title Co. Additional recognition needs to be given to the NFL Alumni Association of Dallas, Pinnacle Golf Course Management and Staff, our volunteers, and participants who supported our 20th Annual Rotary Golf Benefit. Proceeds from this event go to the organizations the Cedar Creek Lake Rotary Club supports including, Klothes for Kids, Food Pantries, Scholarships, and other local needs of the community. There were a total of 11 teams that participated in the tournament. The Rotary is very appreciative of everyone involved. In addition, we would like to thank the NFL Alumni Association of Dallas for coordinating the participation of the following former NFL players that supported this great event: Liffort Hobley, Hurles Scales, Beasley Reese, Lance Smith, Lemuel Stinson, Mike Holmes, Jacob Flores, Major Jones, Broderick Mondy, Charles Ali, and Romby Bryant. Also a big thanks to the Sky Guys for Photography. Our Cedar Creek Lake Rotary Golf Tournament had several BIG prizes up for grabs these prizes went to the following. The Superbowl of Golf Grand Prize resulted in a tie for first place. Tri-Country Ford had a 20K for the hole in one prize-unfortunately there was no winner. The Golf Tournament 1st Place winner was the Highlands Residential Mortgage, 2nd Place went to the Coldwell Banker golf team, and the 3rd Place went to the First State Bank golf team. Congratulations to all of the winners!
For people who didn’t know, here’s a short anecdote of why we ring the bell before and after each meeting…

Many thanks to PDG Carroll Greenwaldt for the inspiring presentation on the humanitarian trip to Guatamala Oct. 2022. Our own Carter Hallmark traveled with the group and used his dental skills to help the children.
The Rotary Club of Cedar Creek Lake is not only active in efforts to make life better here at home, but through Rotary International Foundation and the efforts of other districts and clubs, we are able to make an impact in other countries.
It’s a great day to be in Rotary!

On October 23rd, the Rotary Club of Cedar Creek Lake held its first ever 5K Walk for Polio at the Gun Barrel City Park. The Feed Trough provided the most tasty 1/2 pound smoked burgers! Our food was made possible by sponsors Serenity Hydration and Spa, Caring Hearts Hospice, and Kim Roulias Realty! We had music from Bill Burgin owner of Guitars etc. and crew providing music to folks at the Pavilion. Kim Roulias Realty made our music possible as well! Seascape Travel and Events provided prizes. Grammyjax provided the supplies for the winners, route signs, and flags! It was a great time and for a good cause! Our club will be able to contribute a little over $400 to Polio! We can't wait for next year! Thank You everyone who came and walked! 

The Rotary Club of Cedar Creek Lake was proud to welcome District Governor Carolyn Franks as our speaker at the Sept. 23 meeting. She shared her vision for this upcoming Rotary year and congratulated our club on achieving Rotary Citation for 2021-22 year. Current President Jax Meadows accepted the award for Past-president Tonya Chapman. We also celebrated many Paul Harris Fellows.
We are an active and growing club, one of friendship and service to our community. Consider joining us.

The Rotary Club of Cedar Creek Lake is happy to welcome new members installed at our last meeting Sept 16 at Mi Pueblito in Mabank. Pictured are new members Patricia "Trish" Deeds (front row, from left), Rebecca "Becky" Ward, and Terri Divine, President Jax Meadows (back row, from left) sponsoring Patricia Deeds, sponsors Andrea Groom and Greg Cooley.
Welcome to The Greatest Rotary Club in the Whole Wide World!

In 1932, Rotarian Herbert J. Taylor created The Four-Way Test. The Test, which has been translated into more than 100 languages, asks the following questions:
1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
5. and Will It Be Fun!

The Rotary Club of Cedar Creek Lake’s President, Tonya Chapman announces Alyssa Laffin as the Rodeo Queen Nominee for Mabank’s Western Week.

Service Above Self
Mabank, TX
United States of America